Sabtu, 19 Mei 2012


Thank you so much teacher

Honorable the Superintendent TK SD of Karang Bahagia
Honorable the committee of SDN Karang Mukti 02
Honorable the head master of SDN Karang Mukti 02
Honorable the teachers who I don’t call one by one but it’s will not be unless for our respect and respectful 
Honorable my friends in our school from 1th grade until 6th grade who is same with me that is studies together in our school may we all can be a next young generation who be a creditable to our nation and our religion amien……!!

Happy audience
In the name of Allah SWT for his mercy and blessing, we can to meet again, to see, and to face to face in this place that is in our school of SDN Karang Mukti 02
Peace salutation is upon the our prophet who was bought his peoples from jahiliyah era until ilmiah era, who was bought his peoples from darkness until so bright who was bought his peoples from evolution era until revolution that is prophet Muhammad SAW, and to his family, his true friends, and the peoples who was joined with him and may we all get his help in the next time. Amien…..!!
Happy audience
In this time I will give a speech entitled “thank you so much teacher”
Happy audience
Teacher is man who is very important for all, way? because with teacher we can to be know about the science, we can to be know about anything, or we can to be know about something in education. It’s all because any our teacher right?
Happy audience
What we don’t aware how very important teacher for us? when we was can’t to write, the teacher always teach for us, when we was can’t to read the teacher always teach for us, and when we was do know about the anything of educations, the teacher always give us the best, and now which is our gift for them, I think we can’t do it for them,
Teacher, We often do a wrongness, We often do naughtiness, and We often do a bad for you, and now we are very sorry for all. And I just want say thank you so much teacher you are the best and you are everything for me and for us.
Happy audience
Maybe this only who I can, and I know too maybe the speech there are so many disadvantage, and I am sorry for it, and maybe I think is enough and wassalamualaikum wr wb……..!!

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